The Mystery of the Other Side, Or, The Perfect Adjunct to ACIM by Dov Fishman

acim dov fishman Jul 23, 2024
The Perfect Adjunct to ACIM by Dov Fishman

Most ACIM (A Course in Miracles) students/teachers would say that ACIM is complete within itself. It contains all that is needed to Awaken from the dream, which we call "life in a body". I did until a few months ago. It was then I read that Rob Schwartz, a hypnotist, who took you back into past lives would be a Guest on Jon Mundy's Sunday with Mundy program.

I said to myself as the Zoom session started, "What does this have to do with ACIM?" After hearing Rob Schwartz speak of his Life's Work, I said, "This is the perfect adjunct to ACIM".

As a counselor using ACIM metaphysical principles, I say to my clients, "Be grateful for your triggers, for they reveal our mistaken beLIEfs" ACIM says, "Discomfort is aroused only to bring the need for correction into awareness."

The world we see as "real" is simply a "classroom for learning lessons". ACIM lesson 193 says, "All things are lessons God would have me learn"... Forgiveness shows me "I am doing this to myself". A willingness to accept this, heals the mind from being at effect, a victim, to being the Cause, the Dreamer of the dream. This easily leads to an Awakening from the dream.

What is not evident in the Course's simple approach, is the question, "Why would I do this to myself?" "Why did I choose this dream, this life, to learn lessons?" ACIM provides answers to these questions, in several places.

In Dream Roles, ACIM Text Chapter 29, Section 4, speaks of roles we assign to others in our dream lives. "And each one represents some function that you have assigned; some goal which an event, or body, or a thing should represent, and should achieve for you. (ACIM, T-29.IV.4:8) "

⁴And do not try to hurt him when he fails to take the part that you assigned to him, in what you dream your life was meant to be ( | T-29.IV.6:4)

In ACIM Text Chapter 24.2.7, we see how we are an integral part of this interlocking chain of forgiveness, which I am Co-Creator of. "Here stands your brother with the key to Heaven in his hand, held out to you. Let not the dream of specialness remain between you. What is One is joined in Truth."

Ask yourself who and why is this brother the perfect one to teach you what you asked for. The very lesson you came here to learn. "How did he get the key?"

The answer is given to us in the last paragraph of Chapter 24 in paragraph 14.
"The key you threw away God gave your brother, whose holy hands would offer it to you when you were ready to accept His plan for your salvation in the place of yours."

That speaks to the poetry of the Course. We know God is not aware of this world of separation. Thank God! If He did, it would be real, and not a dream. Atonement would have no meaning, escape impossible.

We are entitled to Miracles, but purification is necessary first. Removing the doubt of the ego's beLIEf system does this cleanly & clearly. Principle 25. All Miracles are part of an interlocking chain of forgiveness which, when completed, is the Atonement. ²Atonement works all the time and in all the dimensions of time. (ACIM, T-1.I.25:1-2)

What Rob Schwartz shared on that Sunday with Jon Mundy, was the answer to the mystery of the "other side". ACIM implies it in several places, yet does not spell it out for us unless we go deeper. Unpack what is voluminous. It's a look at the dark side of the moon which mankind has not seen until he chose to go there. How we live in a Sea of Synchronicity within an Ocean of Love cannot be seen with our physical senses or inquisitive mind, a mystery until now.

Why there are no accidents in the process we call life, and why Responsibility for Sight, Text Chapter 21.2 is true when it says,

³I am responsible for what I see.
⁴I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for and receive as I have asked. (ACIM, T-21.II.2:3-5)

During Rob Schwartz' interview with Jon Mundy, He posted the following in the chat.

Five reasons Why we PLAN bad things in a lifetime:

1. Balancing and Releasing Karma
    *Feeling of Incompletion - feel you haven't balanced so you can't release
    *Trade places/Experiences to release karma
2. Bring these things up for Healing
3. Service to Others
4. Desire to experience Contrast (Not Love)
5. Healing or resolving false beliefs and feelings about themselves
    * Powerless, unworthy. worthless
    * Law of attraction will mirror it back for awareness/healing

I read it a few times, and recommend you do that also. Voila! I realized this completes the picture of our lives, in this Universal Classroom, where the Son of God Who remembered "not to laugh", can See Now, and Laugh!

Of course, I asked for this, so I can choose once again, where I failed to make the right choice, I can choose again. I made a faulty choice before and now I can make a better one, and thus escape all pain that what I chose before has brought to me. ²In every difficulty, all distress, and each perplexity Christ calls to you and gently says, “My brother, choose again.” (ACIM, T-31.VIII.3:1-2)

What I say to anyone who comes to me with upset, fear, anxiety, worry, or concern of any kind is, Remember "Be grateful for your triggers." Now we know why. I asked for it, for the healing I came here for.

It's Integrity to balance and release karma from past lives.
Integrity chooses to Heal by removing the blockages that deny healing.
Integrity wants to Serve others who have chosen as we have.
Integrity chooses to remove what is out of integrity. What is false?
Integrity is Equality. Equality and Inclusion invites Atonement automatically. Text 6.2.5

In closing, I say to all who walk the Path of Truth, that this is the Perfect Adjunct to ACIM which is complete within itself. Rob Schwartz has written a few books, among them, "Your Souls' Plan" & "Your Soul's Plan, both available on Audible. He does workshops and is available for counseling. He is conversant with ACIM, and understands how it fits perfectly with his life work.

I now include this adjunct in my teaching and counseling as it takes the ego's "why is this happening to me" question out of healing. Of course, we say, don't ask why? Ask instead what this is teaching me. Ya gotta Laugh! As my teacher Ken Wapnick repeats in so many of his workshop teachings,

"Take nothing in this world seriously" In your Gentle Laughter, healing happens.

— David (Dov) Fishman

David "Dov" Fishman is the founder of the One Mind Foundation and for over 10 years he operated ACIM Gather. ACIM Gather, which began in 2004, has been a boot camp for many of today's Teachers. The One Mind Foundation was founded in 2008 with the mission to expand the vision of inclusion & equality. Dov’s knowledge and understanding of the principles of A Course in Miracles are legendary. He is indeed a true Teacher of Teachers.

David's book, Into Oneness, is based on the metaphysical spiritual teachings of A Course in Miracles. Its foundation is the realization of our connectedness through the concept of Oneness. Currently, Dov mentors Course students reminding them that Miracles are everyone's right but purification is necessary first.