The Most Important Practice by Bill Free & Lisa Natoli

bill free lisa natoli Oct 02, 2024
inner stillness and quiet presence


Tune in to the video clip below with Bill Free & Lisa Natoli to hear about THE MOST important practice...




Bill: The ideas that are offered in the Course (A Course in Miracles) — they verify the direct experience of presence and awareness and if anything that we've shared is considered to be the most important… I would say that it is that quiet presence.

Lisa: Yes, I agree.

Bill: It's that quiet presence… we don’t give enough attention there with the quiet presence. It reminds me of Emmett Fox / "The Golden Key". If you’re thinking about your problem, in other words if you have your attention on the object of experience, if you have your attention on the movement, on the movie, then you’re not thinking or you’re not resting in awareness.

Lisa: That’s what Emmet Fox says… he says when you’re thinking about your problems, you’re not thinking about God — that’s what "The Golden Key" is.

Bill: Yes, it’s the same thing — if you put it in living in oneness terms or direct experience terms… if your attention is on your experience or if the attention of awareness is laser-focused on the body-mind experience — worry, fear, grievances, whatever it is… financial health…  If your attention is too focused on that experience, then you’ve forgotten yourself. Your experience is no longer in the altar of truth in your beingness so I would say the most most most important practice is there and you mentioned how Rupert (Spira) pauses before he speaks. You can see that he has these quiet reflections. He doesn’t speak real fast. A really profound question will come in and he pauses… He might even blink his eyes a couple times… and Francis Lucille is the same way. You can just see that it’s allowing that question to come into a quiet space of awareness. You and I have started to actually dialogue that way. When we have our conversations after dinner or we’re just talking about some business thing, some personal thing that we’re involved in… I’ve noticed in the last year, for sure, that we both have a quieter presence in our communication with each other. It’s remarkable.

Lisa: It is remarkable and even today, I didn’t mention anything — even today — I didn’t mention anything but I notice it… We had a couple of conversations during lunch and dinner and you’re just so beautiful because I’ll say something and we’ll dialogue in the normal human way — you talk, I talk, you talk, I talk… but then there’s more spaces… a couple of times today, you just went totally quiet and I have become used to, as a practice, ok with the silence. It must have been something that we were talking about and you just sort of went quiet and your eyes kind of went over here… I could tell you were resting in it — whatever the conversation was — and I don’t need to add anymore to it. I don’t need to say "what are you thinking" and "oh tell me what you’re thinking" or "what what’s going on over there" … I used to do that. That’s where I feel that it is a totally new way of living in the world. Everything just naturally falls into this harmonizing space when I enter into the quiet.

Interested in learning more...?

Explore the depths of meditation, prayer and nondual inquiry and discover the power and potential of these simple yet profound practices at "The Path of Inner Stillness: Meditation, Prayer & Self-Inquiry" weekend workshop on October 12th & 13th — with Lisa Natoli and Bill Free. Click on the image below for more info and to register:

In this immersive experience, you'll delve into the harmonious interplay of contemplative spiritual practices that lead to the realization of the Self. This experiential workshop offers practical tools and guidance to help you truly cultivate inner stillness and clarity, regardless of life’s external challenges.

You'll learn how to:

> Deepen your meditation practice

> Explore the power of true prayer with a nondual understanding

> Engage in transformative self-inquiry

> Integrate timeless, effortless practices into daily life

> Deepen your awakening experience of inner peace and well-being


(discount expires Tuesday 10.8.24 )

See you there!